My Life Quotes

"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."
"To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Crystal Crown (3)

ni da masuk last day dah . sedih dahh , kitorg dah packing barang siap2 dah lepas bgun pagi tu . pagi yg x sahur tu lahh . huhhh , pastu pegi round semue bilik , masih tidur lgi pdhl dah pukul 8 !! 8.30 dah start slot english . pastu lmbt turun dohh . 15 minutes late , so habis pun lambat ! habis je semue rushing naik atas , ye ah nk amik beg , nk kena check out dah !! pastu slot sains pun masuk lmbt , tpi habis cepat doh , gila best ah , time kul 1 sampai 2 ah best . time solat ! semue g brem mall sebelah cari surau pdhl nk jalan2 !! punyela cari surau tapi x jumpe2 , siot je . tersorok gile surau die , dah la kecik , busuk , masam semue ada dlm surau , ish3 . pastu lps solat sempat shopping sikit . hahaa . beli benda yg senang dibawa je . pastu kul 2 dah start test . buat test geo yg pmr nye standard time 1 jam 15 minutes , ni jwb 45 minutes je , pastu maths 345 minutes , and sc yg da buat time slot science . bapak best !!! tpi time balik tu ,, dah mcm emosi dah , ye ah bila time amik bes je da rase emosi doh , xtau knp . rindu gila moments mcm ni , sumpah . xtau bile dpt rasa mcm ni lagi . T_____T . goodbye crystal crown and friends , you guys did a great job . well done !


  1. brem mall sumpah boring, wktu kau pegi tuh bowling center dgn cinema dah bukak ke ?

  2. oh , entah , bowling dah kot . tp karaoke mg dah !! hahaaa
