My Life Quotes

"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."
"To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go."

Friday, November 12, 2010


So school is no more for us, form three students in SMK Sg Pusu. im in gloomy right now, seriously. erm.. anyway it was a majestic, bored, hated, luxuriating day. everyone was everywhere. got it? especially form3 students, after the presentations to the winner at canteen, the school was in blue, haha!! so the hamper caught my attention. banyak gila makanan ringan erhhh, kelas 3 amanah bolot 7 daripada 12 hamper, perhh mmg atlet ramai rupanya, haha, acara2 yg kitorg bolot ialah badmintonn perseorangan lelaki(juara & naib juara), beregu lelaki (juara), beregu campuran (ketiga), bola jaring(ketiga), bola tampar(juara), futsal(ketiga melalui PELIK FC ye, bkn GM21 :D). bnyk sehh, so bnyk yg bahagi2 kt org la, sedekah pun ada, hahahaaa. so td sngt bosan, yg bestnye dpt jumpa hasmira begok, yay rindunye, dah 2 minggu rasenye x borak2 ngn dia. erm so buku sejarah aku belum arwah rupenye, thk god, haha adib mursyid da cuak ohh, hahahaaa pastu time balik td masa dak2 1 rasional yg aku sayangi lalu dpn klas aku, aku ckp "bye2 korang, semoga berjumpa lagi nxt time, goodluck" . semue pun lambai2 la jugak haha lawak je :D

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