Nowdays, i just cant believe what is happening, most of my free lounge time, i used to take a nap, or even take the pillow, and turn off my eyes and sleep! that was weird! but it never end just like that, i dreamt a lot of magical things.! seriously, i dreamt i drove my mother's car, estima, but i got the permission from my dad,. and i also dreamt i got 8A's for PMR, and how good the feelings of getting it. hopefully that was a true dream. amin. i also dreamt my friends and i in a battle, it looked similar to COD hahhaaa.
My Life Quotes
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
If Eyes Could Speak - Devon Werkheiser
Standing close to me close enough to reach perfect time to tell her
But I can't even put the words together
Bevelizing eyes getting in my disguise
Can't you see me hiding?
What am I afraid of a finding?
I know what I'm thinking
But the words won't come out
If eyes could speak
One look would say everything
About the way you smile,
The way you laugh
The way you dress,
The way your beauty leaves me breathless
If eyes could speak
I wouldn't have to talk
Here we go again trying to pretend My hands are steady
The way she looks tonight isn't helping
Vision's getting blur gotta calm my nerves, it's now or never
There's only one way to the answer
I know what to tell her
But the words won't come out
If eyes could speak
One look would say everything
About the way you smile,
The way you laugh
The way you dress,
The way your beauty leaves me breathless
If eyes could speak
I wouldn't have to talk
Maybe I can finally get it right
Finally get the nerve to speak my mind
And tell you the things I can't say
And baby I would look into your eyes
And maybe you will finally realize
Words are just words anyway
If eyes could speak
One look would say everything
About the way you smile,
The way you laugh
The way you dress,
The way your beauty leaves me breathless
If eyes could speak
I wouldn't have to talk
I tell you all about
The way you smile,
The way you laugh
The way you dress,
The way your beauty leaves me breathless
If eyes could speak
I wouldn't have to talk
But I can't even put the words together
Bevelizing eyes getting in my disguise
Can't you see me hiding?
What am I afraid of a finding?
I know what I'm thinking
But the words won't come out
If eyes could speak
One look would say everything
About the way you smile,
The way you laugh
The way you dress,
The way your beauty leaves me breathless
If eyes could speak
I wouldn't have to talk
Here we go again trying to pretend My hands are steady
The way she looks tonight isn't helping
Vision's getting blur gotta calm my nerves, it's now or never
There's only one way to the answer
I know what to tell her
But the words won't come out
If eyes could speak
One look would say everything
About the way you smile,
The way you laugh
The way you dress,
The way your beauty leaves me breathless
If eyes could speak
I wouldn't have to talk
Maybe I can finally get it right
Finally get the nerve to speak my mind
And tell you the things I can't say
And baby I would look into your eyes
And maybe you will finally realize
Words are just words anyway
If eyes could speak
One look would say everything
About the way you smile,
The way you laugh
The way you dress,
The way your beauty leaves me breathless
If eyes could speak
I wouldn't have to talk
I tell you all about
The way you smile,
The way you laugh
The way you dress,
The way your beauty leaves me breathless
If eyes could speak
I wouldn't have to talk
Friday, October 29, 2010
You Again!
Hey there im back, grhhh bengaangnye kat sekolah tadi!! dah la datang semata2 nak pegi naik flying fox, tengok2 cancel pulak!! siot la, pegi la main paintball tu..... x best langsung, ggrrrhhh.. yg paling mengejutkan, aku nmpk sejrah silam aku! ishhh cikgu hamdan yg mengajar kitorg time kt skgu tu ada!! eyyyyhh bengangnye!! dah la dia ingat muka aku!! siot la.. dah la die kene buang sbb die disahkan ada masalah mental, mcm mana aku jumpa balik dia! nooo!!! aku ingat die dah mati!!! gggrrrhh!! harap2 dia mati!!! dah la tibe2 senyum kat aku, sah2 die x betul!!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
ohh, hey there im back, now im stress out actually, terpaksa online kt pc, bkn kt phone mcm dulu , sbb suddenly wifi jiran xde, aneh gila, rase2nye rosak kot, mcm dulu , k whatever, so now aku , ahmad munzir, dan nabilah athirah sedang menggila di facebook, tak tahu kenapa boleh jadi mcm tu, haha rasa best je, haha tak sah kalau satu post tu, tak lebih 200 komen , perhh layann. seronok bhaiii. dan arini jap lagi la , nak g bowling, 10 games. yay k la nite !!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Futsal Lepasan PMR
Tajuk die interesting bukan? hahahaa kejam gila lahh. so tadi telah pun tamat 2 games untuk seuma team, rasenye la, nnt futsal ni sambung hari isnin 1 haribulan november! best gila lah!! tadi perfomance boleh la, thx to ridzuan, zafir, hanif jamil, fadris zaraki, acap, aman! so penat jugak! walaupun 1 menang, 1 kalah. yay terbaik, kitorg aim nk masuk liga round ke-2, perhh lgi dahsyat nnt!! harap2 dapat masuk , amin!! semoga i'll perform next monday so that i wont let u down!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Saturday's Story
Story ? sory no story to e told cause saturday means nothing to me , if only i have money, money and money, then it means everything!! woo so arrogant of me, erhhh. so this evening plan is go to uia, play futsal , have fun . and now it's going to be cancelled i guess! rain is about to fall down on the earth T__T. another bored day,.. there you go.! hopefully the wind will blow the fully loaded black skies to other places so that our programme will not interupted. haha!
the memories~

syamil : aaaakkku nnnnaaakkk lllaaagii nnnaassiiii (cacat)
munira : kang aku pngl indi blakang kau tu pukul , bru senyap!!!(dlm hati)

eby : ish die ni nk tangkap gambar aku lagi, menyorok belakang mun lahh (yakin 4 kali muat)
munira : 2 darab 2 berape ????

munira : meh aku nk cium jugak kau, aku dah tak tahan, aku dah lama suka kt kau
azreen : wahaaaa, amek je, kitekn sama bangsa, xde side effect punye

munira : nah rasakan mulut harum semerbak bau daki ketiak azreen!!

syamil : tutp mata, aku dapat rasakan aura hantu tiada muka,, jgn uka, tutup!
hantu : ????!!!

penjual : aneyy, satu u beli dpt percuma satu, kalau ada keahlian, dapat percuma lagi satu!
aney : %$@#^#$^$#^# (bahasa yg tidak dapat dikesan)

hantu2 : haaa!! takut tak, kitorg akan tukar pembaca2 menjadi segelap kami, hahahaa!!
*kisah di atashanyalah rekaan semata2,
tidak ada kaitan antara yg putih atau yg gelap :D
semuenya sekadar gurauan semata2, jdi, enjoy ye :D
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Lads of 3 Amanah 2010

3 amanah 2010, pn rosfaliza, thank you for being the best and wonderful teacher.
we will never forget you, we love you, :D

danial; kaya dan xkisah sakai pun, hahaha

myself; judge me hahaha.

azriq; guitar's wonder kid, sama bulan lahir dgn aku yay!

azreen; gedik but nice, berisi hahahaa.

atikah; baru ada facebook, semakin maju :D

amirul; adi putra's brother, rich !! woaaa!!

amira; kind-hearted and soft spoken, thebest!

aman; ketua kelas yg haram hahaa, thebest jugak!

aliah; ohh

afif; pretty much looser, haha.
asyraf (kanan); bijak tapi malas, dan sangat mudah berkawan yay!
Lari-lari, Lompat-lompat
haram tak tajuk die ?? memang kan!! explorace sejarah anjuran sekolah menengah kebangsaan sungai pusu , perhh penat jugak la.. tak jadi juara pun tapi tetap dapat hadiah , juara punye hadiah sama dgn tempat terakhir , that means sume sama je, tpi kitorg bkn tempat terakhir lahh.. rahsia hahahhaaa. td dia tidak datang , sngt rindu dgn kenakalan dia hahahaa , merayap je kerja dia sebenarnye!! bkn nk duduk dewan diam2 , mesti nak jalan2, aishhh. lps tu hari isnin nnt sngt busy dgn kerja wahhhh. bapak la gempak, kerja!!! kena tolong cikgu buat kerja sedikit , briged bestari punya hal alh biasa la tuu hahahaa..tpi disebabkan makmal digunakan oleh 1 rasional , rasenyer lahh .. 11.30 td, aku dah xleh guna!! kene tempah pc, nk siapkan kerja tu!! tpi lambat so x dpt aishhh, dan sekarang hanif ajak keluar g wangsa walk main bowling, so kena la ikut, kang die sentap hahahaa..
hola. Im back. Sory la sbb tak post semalam. Penat gila main bola. Haih, so td kat sekolah ada ceramah tentang sekolah menengah teknik dan sekolah menengah vokasional, tgk result la, kalau bgus, ada rezeki, pg je la sbpi kalau dpt offer. Tak pun mrsm. Kalau x try je teknik, tak salah pun, lepas rehat pulak ada penulis buku ain maisarah tu datang ckp pasal penulisan bla bla bla, best jugak doh jd penulis, sbb upah sentiasa masok, gaji pasif namenye, dpt 10% drpd hasil penjualan buku tu, perh best kot. Da la kat msia ni tak ada lg penulis muda lelaki yg men0nj0l, tp aku nak bce novel dulu, just try buat, hantar je kat editor , kalau ada rezeki buat la. Hah! Duit 2 yg tak boleh tahan, dan td da mula bce n0vel adik hahaha. . . . Dan sngt keletihan setelah bmain bdmint0n kat dwn dgn eby, mun, azreen, aman, afif, hariz dan nukman hahahaha. . . . . .
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
20102010 :D
wahh , tarikh hari ni begitu cantik juga kan ? hahahaaa . td kat sekolah ada ceramah mcm mne nk buat baja kompos etc !! aku tak dengar pon , duduk dlm bilik PA je! ! yay thx tp shauqi kerana memberi kebenaran , love u hahahaa!! lps tu lepas rehat pegi duduk kelas , lagi la best , memekak je dlm tu.. pastu petang pegi uia main futsal bersama irfan , fikri amin , amsyar arif , fadris , aman , kamil , ridzuan , dan naufal .. penat gila . stamina gila lemah , i need to do something !! haha lps tu esok still undecided sama ada nak pergi sekolah atau tak , kalau tak pergi , duduk rumah bosan , nak buat apa? takkan la nk g keluar merayau lagi . dah 3 kali dah after pmr ni . ish bahaya !! nnt duit habis terus hahahaa !!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Annoying !!
erhh , td kat sekolah bosan gila . ada ceramah tentang mata pelajaran elekrif dan teras dan ape2 tah untuk form 4 nanti , and still , aku x tahu aku nak , masuk aliran ape lagi ! aiyaaaa !! btw sekarang tgh buat permohonan kemasukan ke mrsm sesi 2011 , last2 minit ni !! nk masuk mrsm kuala kubu baru je la kalau dpt , kalau ada rezeki , insya Allah !! tpi memang pelik gila borang permohonan dia !! lantaklah,, hahaha td penat jugak , main badminton dkt sekolah bersama afif , yay raket baharu aku , sngt tidak sabar doh hahaa !!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Oh Liverpool !!
oh liverpool , what happen to you? what is going on ? no win at all in last 6 games ?? or more ? shit !! my loyalty is still on you . okay !! 2-0 lost to everton just now ? it cant be accepted cause u got a new owner !! tu la dah suruh org islam beli , tak nak haa padan muka ! tpi nasib baik away kalau x malu lagi !!
Raket Baharu!!
wohh , i have got a new racquet called isometric delta 3 (developed by yonex japan) blablabla merepek nme die , i thought li-ning racquet was just cheap , but it never gonna be mine , oh li-ning , tunggu la bila aku dah besar , aku beli 10 , untuk anak2 sekali . woaaa !! it was lighter that the other one which was broken , i smashed it on the wall , haha believe me , xpercaya tnye la budak2 asrama(boys) , most of them nmpk ape yg berlaku, hahahaa !! so thats all!
16 Oktober (5-12mlm)
haih , it was the exhausted day ever i had yesterday, feel like killing myself (Suke ayat ni) !!haha bodoh!! ye ah lepas balik je wangsa walk , blk rumah solat dan terus g sekolah, nk g stadium malawati shah alam pulak!! tgk selangor lwn singapura. perhhh, mula2 sampai je dah rasa seram, ye ah ramai gak org, takut stasium runtuh ke ape ke, hahahaa tpi naseb bek ada kawan2 teman, tu yg x hambar sngt! bodohnye pilihan selangor , kalah teruk dgn pilihan singapore! veteran sel je yg menang 1-0 lwn veteran singapore!! gol last2 minit! bapak cun!! bising gila!! btw, bnyk jugak video aku amik , malas nk upload sbb laptop aku ni suka buat hal !! kalau nk kira time aku xde kat rumah samalam , 12 jam! perh energy tinggal 20% je !!
16 Oktober (11-4.30)
oh 16 oktober , anda sungguh istimewa di mana birthday my jiran and also my classsmate , Noor Munira Akilah bt Mohd diraikan di wansa walk mall (raikan? ada ke) , rase mcm hang out biase je, hahaha thank u juga kpd areen, hariz, farina, amira, hanif, hafizul, azrai, munira, dan alia syafiqa krana turut sudi datang. haha anda amat dihargai, thk u juga sebab saye telah terpengaruh dgn perangai 'bus stop' xD, haha disebabkan movie The Othe Guys tu, da jd mcm ni, sory la sebenarnye aku xde mood , rasa nk balik je (bodohnyee)!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Ohhh, penat gila ni. dah la nk tidur, adik2 kecil memekak kat dalam bilik aku ni, ni yg terpaksa mengupdate blog sbb dah ter-awake, so nk buat ape lgi kan, ermm,, ada ke patut kwn aku tnye 'kau dah pergi outing mana dah?'. aku pon ckp la "wangsa walk baru". die x percaya pulak,, sie ingat aku dah keluar bnyk kali, ish3.. aku x de bnyk duit sngt .. btw. kepenatan ni semua berpunca daripada bermain futsal di uia td!! perhh layan, rasa mcm injury torres pun ada, mcm2 berlaku, ada yg x lepas masuk uia la,, ish sial je guard tu, tengok kau, aku buat mcm tu kt anak2 kau nnt, hhahahaa. yg penting, ridzuan, kau hebat kerana memberi nme awek terbaru raja yg akn ku kacau! xD
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
PELIK FC mengaum!
yayy , korang tahu? aku sebenarnye dah tak sabar2 ni nk main futsal dan badminton kt sekolah ni, dah lama tak sepak bola dan smash mcm lee chong wei . auww!! so i think i wanna buy a racket, LI NING one!! yayy, mesti bestkn main bdminton nnt, tpi da lama x main, takot gugup lalu ku menjd hambar. dah la x pernah lagi lawan dgn form3 yg hebat2 ni, selain hanafi 3 makmur dan amsyar adam 3 sejahtera. itu pun kitog menang dulu yayy!! rubber game tu. yg kena diberi perhatian ialah,, fitri ali, si kembar zafri dan zafran , afif farhan my friend of course , hanafi 3 makmur , acap kelas aku, yg lain2 aku x pernah main lagi, so aku x tahu mcm mne dorg, yg pasti ramai yg hebat2, huhh !! futsal pulak aku pilih 'no jersey' yg dekat borang tu no. 13 ! i wonder why i picked that number , maybe sbb number bertuah TAYLOR SWIFT my honey xD , yay !!
Status sebagai budak lepasan PMR !!
Yayy. tadi 1st day sekolah selepas tamatnye pmr,, pehhh macam2 maklumat ada cikgu bagi, perh cikgu muslimah la paling hot, cun gila tadi.. comel sngt.. mklumla, semalam kn bemesej2 dgn dia hahahaaa!! td D pandang2 ohh , malu nye, nk jumpe dan ckp , tpi rasa tkut, hahah tak tahu kenapa!! yayy nnt ada pertandingan futsal antara kelas dan bdminton terbuka! yay aku main single dan double!! semoga berjya syamil , anda hebat (Wahh) k la malas nk cite da bye
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Wangs Walk (malunye)
eyhh penatnye.. dah la aku datang plg awal ,, lps tu phone pulak habis kredit, ish kedai tak buka lagi , nk beli top up kedai HOTLINK tu asyikt ulis 'closed' je , x bukak2 !! pelik betol pdhl da ada org dah !! akhrnye pegi je masuk , mmberanikan diri dan ckp 'hotlink sepuloh ada?' .. hurm karaoke 2 jam !! lagu yg aku nak , takde !! ish sila gila !! bodoh je tak reti nk update ke ape ?? nasib lagu lain pun jalan hahahaa . pastu wayang cite yg hambar , sit bnyk gila kosong . menyesal gila !! pastu bowling plg meriah , markah tertinggi dlm sejarah hidup aku yay ! ehh 'sejarah ' hidup ? mcm xsedap je bunyi , PMR dh habis asal la aku ckp2 sejarah ni , bukan2 . thebest dlm KISAH hidup sye hahahah !! lps tu ade la perkara yg berlaku yg menyakitkan hati dan perasaan , tpi ingat kwn je , ishh , thk u to korang2 yg ajak aku pegi tadi , miss that moment ! bye.
Monday, October 11, 2010
PMR ? ends !!
yes alhamdulillah , pmr has closed its door for me ,hahaha but for the arabic students , it is still , on the fight , they will fight tooth and nail to achieve their best !! . gudluck honey too . haha pastu kite boleh la jalan2 tgk movie , yay bestnye !! hopefully result nnt takde la teruk sangat . malu nnt.. hurmm . so rabu nk kenea hantar buku teks pulak ish malas gila !!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
fight tooth and nail
"syamil , u made the same mistake again u know !! y did tell her that u still love her ?? why r u so mad and crazy ?? many girls out here is hoping in u but y u picked her again ?? u are someone's heart remember ?? u want to hurt her ? after u helped her , thought her , gave her your life , u just want to make her wondering how much u love her ONCE AGAIN?? u r silly with a big ego in your mind ,"
That was some crazy shit that i made for myself to make sure that i am alive , alive ! haa !! it was actually some refreshment for me , but now i wanna talk about what i want to do after pmr , i think i want to get make some money , but i dont know how , yes it must be the best thing ever happened if i have my own money . i also want to go out with my friends , watch movies , play bowling , hang out around , it must be fun . yeah so that's all for now , hope u enjoy your life . actually , this post is dedicated to my lovers , yeah lovers , they are just amazing . thank u for being one of my best priceless thing in this world . bye
That was some crazy shit that i made for myself to make sure that i am alive , alive ! haa !! it was actually some refreshment for me , but now i wanna talk about what i want to do after pmr , i think i want to get make some money , but i dont know how , yes it must be the best thing ever happened if i have my own money . i also want to go out with my friends , watch movies , play bowling , hang out around , it must be fun . yeah so that's all for now , hope u enjoy your life . actually , this post is dedicated to my lovers , yeah lovers , they are just amazing . thank u for being one of my best priceless thing in this world . bye
woke up !
now i realized , that we can never judge a book its cover only , never !! i learned something important today , ok but im not goin' to talk bout it now coz it messing up my head, it is 10/10/10 !! it's the perfect date to make a wish , to put your name on history book of your life , or watever ! so i have not decided what im gonna do today actually , i think im just goin' to wait the time until it is in the evening , and just give my mum a big hug !! we miss hr a lot ! yeah my sisters are missing them , without her , our life is just turn upside down ! believe me ! ohh cut the crap , cut the emotional stuff ! haha . today i got a new friend , actually , it's now really 'new' , but it is new in word ! i hate to say who is my new friend is , o u just have to find it by yourself . hahaaa , btw , shane dawson are just unbelievable !! he makes me laugh ! so damn good , go go shane !
Saturday, October 9, 2010
fifteen !
life , is about to end for me , coz 15 years old ? what can u conclude about it ? is is the best , mesmerizing , humilating , and many more that cannot be described by typing in here . ! 15 years old ! oh im gonna miss this moment . , so next year i dont know where i would be . smk sg pusu or sekolah alam shah ? auww that my babe SAS !! :D but i dont wether i could survive live in the hostel !! im going to lose my patient i think !! hehhh !! she also going to leave the school , she said 'sye nak sangat pindah , tak nak sekolah sini! awak rindu sbb nnt kena tinggalkan adik awak tu' HAHAA , she knows everything , but of course , i told her everything , oh dear , let the days end woth flying colous , and let me fliy high first till my 15 years old life ends !
Friday, October 8, 2010
cutting the edge !
what is the title suppose to mean , to me ? to him ? to them ? to her ? to us ? what ever it is , it is a good thing to have and we must accept the faith ! yg pmr dah nak habis !! yayyy !! alhamdulillah !! hopefully 8A's !! haha !! lps tu bergantung kpd tawaran sekolah alam shah tu , dpt ke tak !! based on result la jugak !! malas la nk post da sbb aku mobile je selalu !! malas gila nk pegi bkk dri pc atau laptop !! dah la ni je nk ckp , puas ?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
a world to forget
and now the time has come , the real examination , penilaian menengah rendah , so this is it . i'll make sure that what i've leraned in 3 years will worth. done u think ? hahaaa , and now i need to open the books , do the exercises , and NO MORE DREAMING and CAPTURIZING itself , woaaa mrepek !! so wish me luck guys , especially my mum , dad and my family , adn u D , hope u'll get 9A's , and never stay in smk sg pusu , hahaha jokejoke !! 8A's are affordable , ok see u then bye
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