My Life Quotes

"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."
"To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your own life depends on it; and, when the time comes to let it go, to let it go."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wangs Walk (malunye)

eyhh penatnye.. dah la aku datang plg awal ,, lps tu phone pulak habis kredit, ish kedai tak buka lagi , nk beli top up kedai HOTLINK tu asyikt ulis 'closed' je , x bukak2 !! pelik betol pdhl da ada org dah !! akhrnye pegi je masuk , mmberanikan diri dan ckp 'hotlink sepuloh ada?' .. hurm karaoke 2 jam !! lagu yg aku nak , takde !! ish sila gila !! bodoh je tak reti nk update ke ape ?? nasib lagu lain pun jalan hahahaa . pastu wayang cite yg hambar , sit bnyk gila kosong . menyesal gila !! pastu bowling plg meriah , markah tertinggi dlm sejarah hidup aku yay ! ehh 'sejarah ' hidup ? mcm xsedap je bunyi , PMR dh habis asal la aku ckp2 sejarah ni , bukan2 . thebest dlm KISAH hidup sye hahahah !! lps tu ade la perkara yg berlaku yg menyakitkan hati dan perasaan , tpi ingat kwn je , ishh , thk u to korang2 yg ajak aku pegi tadi , miss that moment ! bye.


  1. haha mengait kan sej sangat..hahah

  2. tu lah pasal.. takpe aku yakin aku A yayyy !!

  3. ''bpe markah ttinggi bowling dlm hidup dan ''sejarah'' kau tu ?''
